Explore and discover how to use coconut oil in all kinds of delicious ways.

Deep Fry a Turkey



  • LouAna on 04.24.23

    Hi Gerald. The shelf life of LouAna Peanut Oil is 18 months if unopened, 6-9 months once opened.

  • Gerald Heyrman on 04.24.23

    Hello, I have a couple of gallons of your Peanut oil in the original LouAna, container, it is Dated best used by 04/07/2018, so it is 5 years old but never removed from the original container. Question: Can I still use it in my Henny Penny pressure fryer? It will be added to new oil to make up to 6 total gallons in the fryer.
    My e-mail address is: gaheyrman@comcast.net
    my e-message number is:770-841-1547
    My land line number is: 770-436-8219
    Thanking in advance. GA Heyrman

  • LouAna on 11.22.19

    Hi Marie.the shelf life of LouAna Peanut Oil is 18 months if unopened, 6-9 months once opened. You may deep-fry with peanut oil, and can usually reuse it 3-4 times. Allow the oil to cool, at least to 150°F, before straining it and pouring it back into the HDPE container. As long as it is properly strained and kept in a dark place, properly stored oil will last for several weeks or possibly more.

  • Marie Ramirez on 11.21.19

    I know that the oil can be reused. Last year I fried one 18lb turkey. I saved the oil. Can I use it to get another turkey this year? How long is the oil good to use?

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